Saturday, September 01, 2007

New Food Arrives

World Terrorizing Force (WTF) has just announced its new plans for the world for next coming decades. One of the topics which the organization has covered and more to the people’s hearts in their talks yesterday was health plans.

‘New cases of illness have been on the rising in recent years,’ said WTF’s most terrorizing figure Ohmama.

‘New diseases like SARSi, Mad Mama Disease, Chicken Fever, Balls-Cock-Hair Disease have been on the wild. And we have realized that, it has always got something to do with the things we eat. Not even veggies are safe, as farmers sometimes overuse fertilizers and women get pregnant without any warning.’

‘Therefore, we have decided on a new source of food – Human.’

‘Humans make up a huge number on Earth, and it will be a significant milestone to start cannibalism. Imagine the good food you can have… human flesh bun, otherwise known as Ren Rou Cha Shao Bao, or can be used to cook curry.’

‘It does not matter if you cannot cook. There will be good meat on the market, that almost cannot be burnt!’


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